The Unveiling of Revelation

Friday, February 12, 2010

Are You Prepared To Meet Jesus?

If Jesus Christ returned, at this very moment, TODAY would you be prepared to meet Him? On His terms instead of yours? You are invited to join me on a Spiritual Journey as I explore some answers to questions about losing your old life (worldly living) and finding a new life (The Tree of Life). I can assure you that this will be a fascinating journey. I am a new "born again" babe in Christ. Please take note when I say babe, and not Christian. My experiences with a few closet Christians have been very disappointing to say the least. But that's another story to share at a later time.

It would be blissful thinking, if I believed that I could continue to live my life on my own terms, and not be held accountable for it. When Jesus Christ first walked the earth, after He came into the world as a human being, and not as the awesome Spiritual Being that He was at the beginning of Creation {In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. John 1:1-3}; Jesus Christ said, "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth, I did not come to bring peace but a sword." "For I have come to 'set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daugher-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man's enemies will be those of his own household'. "He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. Matthew 10:34-38 (NKJV). This was a powerful message of prophecy. And this message , from another era, is still in effect. It was a message of warning that is affecting the lives of many people even today.

Jesus Christ's prophetic message of warning affected my life, during a time when my mother believed that I loved my father more than I loved her. And perhaps I did since I was a "daddy's" baby and mama's maybe? No. Seriously, I dearly loved my mother very much. But, it was my Dad who was a great influential father figure in my life. Jesus prophetic message also appeared to affect my mother's life, when she also believed that her own mother didn't love her, in the way she felt she needed to be loved. I assume this was her reason for thinking that way, because I never actually explored the issue, during that time in my life. In remembrance, I probably gave it a distracting thought. My attention to the matter was about the same as it was when I first heard about, or read the prophetic message that Jesus was teaching people centuries ago. Did I love my own father or mother more than I loved Jesus? We're my mother's issues, about whether she received enough love from her family, greater than the love she was showing for Jesus? So, being imperfect humans, are we more generally concerned about what our needs are than about focusing on what Jesus is telling us, what our priorities should be?

Now, neither of my parents are alive today. And I'm being confronted with some revealing truths about my life, and the manner in which I've been living my life. That is why I believe the prophetic message that Jesus Christ gave, when He walked on the earth, is more effective in the world today than ever before. I've encountered enemies in my household too. Jesus was giving us a warning about what we should expect to happen in our lives. And these events were certain to happen to us regardless of what we thought our lives should be like. If we are not experiencing life as we expect our lives to be experienced, then we should not be surprised or bewildered about the problems that affect our lives. And no technologically advanced cosmetic "quick fix" procedure in any form, shape, or substance will be of any value to us either. WHY??? Because Jesus said, "...he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. (v.38)" and, "He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it." Jesus said it then, I believe it now, and that settles it for me!

My journal is about truth, actuality, and phenomenal experiences about my spiritual journey in this world. I've lost contact with some old friends, met many new friends, and a few enemies along the way. But, I've realized that outward appearances can be, and often are very deceiving. The small number of enemies, I encountered along the way, was very instrumental in helping me realize what a great blessing it is to work for the Lord. The more enemies I had the opportunity to meet, the greater the blessings flowed. Enemies can serve as a sign that you're on the right track with Almighty God. And they can actually help you improve your spiritual growth. So, I love my enemies! "You help me realize my 'open doors', and remind me what I need to do to keep then closed against adversity." The Lord has revealed to me, through His Holy Word, that He prepared a table for me in the presence of my enemies.

Nehemiah's enemies attempted to interfere with his walk with God. But, Nehemiah stayed in obedience to the Word of God, and he "kept on keeping on". Anyway, enemies are only earthly agents of the real adversary, Satan. In other words, enemies are like puppets on a string. Anytime you start obeying God, and begin working in the ministry for the Lord, the puppeteers start appearing in great numbers, and promptly began attacking you from every direction. The Lord prepared a table for Nehemiah, and He'll prepare a table for me too. Therefore, I forgive all those who have wronged me. I don't have a heaven or a hell to put anybody in.

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