The Unveiling of Revelation

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Wake Up! Look Up!

Learning how to put on Christ...

Wake up! Dress up! Clean up! Look up!

Heavenly Father, You have told us that it is now time to wake up out of our sleep, for our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. We put on ourselves the armor of light, and the Lord Jesus Christ. We walk properly, as in the day, and not in revelry and drunkenness, lewdness, lust, strife and envy according to (Romans 13:11-14). Heavenly Father, we take up the whole armor of God, that we may be able to withstand all the evils in the world. We have the full understanding, and knowledge that You have taught us in Your Word that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this age, and against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places according to (Ephesians 6:11-12). Therefore, we take up the whole armor of God right now!

The Whole Armor of God

Heavenly Father, we gird our waist with Truth, put on the breastplate of Righteousness, shod our feet with the preparation of the Gospel of peace, take the shield of Faith so we will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one, and we put on the helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and we pray with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, according to Ephesians 6:14-18.

Password Stealing Viruses...

Heavenly Father, we also pray for You to establish a permanent hedge of protection around us and our computers. Heavenly Father, we bind any, and all spirits of computer password stealing viruses, spam, etc. Heavenly Father, we ask that you place this same hedge of protection around all our properties, including our homes, cars, trucks, lands, buildings, and work places to protect us, guard us and to force out, drive out, and cleanse out all evil, wicked demon and tormenting spirits from our presence, and our homes, cars, trucks, lands, properties, animals, and work places and send them to where You want to send them. In Jesus name we pray. Lord, we pray that Your hedge of protection hide us from the enemy, all familiar spirits, any and all demon spirits, making it difficult, and impossible for them to effectively track or trace us in the spiritual realm. There shall be no perforations or penetrations to these hedges of protection according to Job 1:7-10, Psalms 91:1-16, Exodus 12:13, and Zechariah 2:5.

We ask these things in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


Please note that "demonic spirits" can, and will obtain legal, biblical grounds to rob, kill, steal, and destroy us. They obtain these rights through our sins. And if demons have a right to remain, after we have given them any type of legal ground, there will always be a fight, because these demons want you under them in one way or another. They will try and make you feel that things are hopeless (why even care about it). These are the deceptive lies, and tricks of The Spiritual Enemy!

The Word of God came to Job, and this Old Testament revelation tells us that his captivity (in a state of being a prisoner, or controlled by something) was turned around for the good, and not remaining a stronghold of evil. Our hope is through the Blood sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We need to Kick out the demons, Take back what is rightfully ours that we have been robbed of, and Walk in the victorious life that Jesus Christ has given us!

Our Heavenly Father, wants us to realize that as His sons, and daughters, we can have healing, forgiveness, restored relationships, and walk in a glorious relationship with Him right now on His Earth! He has promised this to us. We are His children through Jesus Christ, in His Word. It is now time to take back what is rightfully ours through Jesus Christ, in prayer! We should never be given over to the whims of any devil due to ignorance. We will not sit down and give up. We are not going to take that as children of God, and just perish in ignorance.

Our banner will be recognized as the children of the Almighty God( not as the property of that other god (Satan), and therefore not under the guidance, or instructions of that other tree), “I am a child of the Most High God, Creator of Heaven and Earth and I, as His child through Jesus Christ, have been given authority and power over the enemy (Luke 10:19). I choose to obey and have a life that is victorious in Jesus Christ. "I HAVE THE VICTORY!"
I am an overcomer in Jesus Christ!”

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for giving me, and helping me to live a victorious life in You. Thank you, Lord for helping me to help my brothers, and sisters walk in that same Light also. I Praise You, and give You all the glory!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


I saw several new reports today where a lot of people are experiencing a lot of death, and destruction in their lives. For instance, a man shot up a car, knowing that the car had small children inside of it. One small child (girl) was killed, another child (boy) is in the hospital. I missed all the exact details, because I turned on my television as the news was going off. But, I briefly caught other news segments about a man killing his stepson, also, there are a lot of house fires (arson) that are happening in targeted areas of the city! So, a lot is going on all around the world, and close to home too. I have posted several prayers, hoping that these prayers may be useful in combating strife, problems, and other troubles that may come knocking at your door, or perhaps already lurking around indoors, waiting for the right opportunity to strike. You can choose areas from these prayers that may relate to a situation in your life (or a family member), or use the entire prayers. Know That Jesus Loves You, and Stay Blessed!



Hedge of Protection Prayer
(Find a prayer partner {two or more must be in exact agreement with each other}, and pray, pray, pray for yourselves, and your families)

Heavenly Father, we ask You to execute divine judgment against satanic/demonic activities, and help us war in the spirit of Elijah and Jehu according to 1 Kings 18:1-46, 9-10:2. In the name of Jesus Christ, we bind all of Satan’s evil, wicked, demon, lying and tormenting spirits and strongmen along with all their works, roots, fruits, tentacles, and links of ______, ______ (say what applies, for example, addictions, bad language, conniving, discouragements, fears, lusts, insomnia, pride, stress, willful sins, withdrawal, worries, all kinds of crimes, including murder, robbery, all manner of deceptions, premature death, auto accidents, house fires, storms, etc.- whatever applies to your situation, or the situations of others in the lives of friends, and family members).

Heavenly Father, we ask You to destroy all demonic covenants, contracts, spiritual chains, and shackles of bondage to these things, fetters, proclivities and captivities that are contrary to, oppose, or hinder Your Will for our lives. We ask for You to liberate us from generational, satanic, and/or demonic alliances, soul ties, spirits of inheritances and curses. Free us from any, and all influences passed down from one generation to another, biologically, socially, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, or any other channel unknown to us, but known to You. We resist every spirit that acts as a gatekeeper, or doorkeeper to our soul (human spirit), and renounce any further conscious, or unconscious alliance, association, allegiance, or covenant. We open ourselves to divine deliverance. Heavenly Father, have Your way right now in our lives. Perfect those things concerning us. We ask these things in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Heavenly Father, We ask You to place a hedge of protection around us. Allow this hedge of protection around us, to hide us from the enemy, familiar spirits, any and all demonic spirits, making it difficult, and impossible for them to effectively track or trace us in the spiritual realm that is unseen by us, but this spiritual realm cannot hide from Your Eyes. There shall be no perforations or penetrations to these hedges of protection according to Job 1:7-10, Psalms 91:1-16, Exodus 12:13, and Zechariah 2:5. Heavenly Father, we ask You to place our names on the hearts of all Prayer Warriors, Intercessors, and Prophetic Watchmen who will pray for us. We ask You to let them not cease or come down from their watchtowers until their assignments have been completed. Heavenly Father, we ask that they will conduct their intercessory assignments under the direction of the Holy Spirit who is our Chief Intercessor according to Jeremiah 27:18, Ezekiel 3:17, and John 16:13.

Heavenly Father, we declare that our time and seasons are in the hands of the Lord, and they shall not be altered, or adjusted by anyone or anything. We function under Your Holy anointing, and You alone give us the divine ability to accurately discern our times and seasons according to 1 Chronicles 12:32, Psalms 31:15, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, and Daniel 2:21-22. Heavenly Father, we declare that from this day forward we will operate according to Your divine timetable/calendar. We declare that Your agenda is our agenda. We are not our own, we have been bought with a price. We therefore submit our life, all of our burdens and everyone of our circumstances to only You. We bind our minds to the mind of Jesus Christ. We bind our wills to the Will of Almighty God. We bring all of our burdens, and lay them at the foot of Your Cross, especially the burdens of _____________, and ___________. Heavenly Father, we ask You to manage all the areas of our lives. Heavenly Father, we totally rely on You, Jesus, to take care of us, our families, our health, and our finances. Heavenly Father, let Your Will, and not our will, be done in our lives. Heavenly Father, we declare that in the name of Jesus Christ, every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in the earth, and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, and give You all the glory, according to Philippians 2:10-11.

Heavenly Father, You have called us to do great works for You. We ask You to release all finances, and all resources that belong to us. We ask You Lord to release everything prepared for us before the foundation of the world that pertains to our lives, our ministries, and our calling. We shall not, we will not be denied. We shall not, and we will not accept substitutes. In the name of Jesus Christ, we declare that every resource necessary for us to fulfill Almighty God’s original plans, and purposes comes to us without delay according to 2 Peter 1-3. Heavenly Father, we declare that the laws that govern this prayer, and all spiritual warfare strategies and tactics, are binding by the Word, the Blood, and by the Holy Spirit according to 1 John 5:7-8. Heavenly Father, we praise You, and thank You for strengthening the bars of our gates, for blessing our children, and making peace in our borders according to Psalms 147:12-14.

Heavenly Father, we ask You to do all of these things according to John 14:14, and Heavenly Father, we ask You to give us these things according to John 16:23. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray with thanksgiving. We ask all these things in the name of Jesus! Praise the Lord!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Jonahs Sister
Watching and Praying!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Rumor of War!

Hoax news report of Russian invasion sends Georgia into a panic.

Information about this report can be found by doing a World Wide Web keyword search: Hoax news report of Russia invasion..

Signs of the Times

What will be the sign...?

"Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name saying, 'I am He,' and will deceive many. But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be troubled; for SUCH THINGS MUST HAPPEN, but the end is not yet."

"For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And THERE WILL BE EARTHQUAKES IN VARIOUS PLACES, and THERE WILL BE FAMINES and TROUBLES. These are the BEGINNINGS of sorrows..."
-Mark 13:5-8.

The days of Elijah declaring the Word of God are here at last!
Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!

...and the days of great trials of FAMINE and DARKNESS and SWORD.
-Revelation 6:8.


God's Promises: If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.
-Proverbs 24:10.

The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him. -Nahum 1:7.

"Stay under the Canopy. Under the Canopy of God our Savior will cover us and give us security!"

~ Jonahs Sister ~

My eyes have seen,
My ears have heard,
My mouth shall speak
about the goodness of Almighty God.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Things I Saw and Things I Heard

Standing outside, near my bedroom window, is a group of people. The other strange thing I see is a tree very close to my window. “What’s so strange about a tree next to a bedroom window?” The tree appears to have a top like an umbrella. And under this umbrella like tree, very ripe looking, green colored fruit is hanging from it’s branches. The people are eating the fruit.

I’m watching from my bedroom as they eat it. I hear a man’s voice say, “This is very good.” I can hear others saying how good the fruit is. Next, a lady walks up and say, “Let me taste it.” I watch as someone hands her some fruit to eat. I notice the shadowy looking figure of a man. He is giving this woman some fruit. The shadow, of the man’s figure, is the only something that is standing in the center, directly under the umbrella like tree. The woman eats the fruit, and I hear her say, “This is good!” Now, I’m hearing my voice say, “Save me some. I want to taste it.” When the shadowy looking man, under the tree, attempts to give me some of the small green colored fruit, I notice how the fruit is glowing, in the dark shadows, under the umbrella like tree. The shadowy man is trying to hand me the fruit through my window, which is open about four inches wide. (I leave my window slightly open sometimes, so that fresh air can come inside my home). When I reach my hand out to take the fruit, the outside scene immediately changes.

Now, I’m watching a group of people, joking around outside near my bedroom window. Immediately, they appear to be afraid of something and suddenly, many of them are seen running away. It was almost as if, they were throwing something at each other. I can clearly see what’s happening now. A huge snake is wrapped around the neck, and the shoulders of one of the people. The person grabs the snake from around himself, and throws the snake in the direction of my window. The person’s face is clearly showing a look of fear, or terror. Before running away, like the other people did, the person briefly watches the snake, as it lands near my window.
The snake is unlike any creature that I’ve ever seen on earth. This snake appears to be about ten feet tall as it is trying to come through my window. The head of this snake is almost as large, if not larger than a man’s head! It is a huge snake in length, and enormous in size. I’m still standing inside my bedroom, and watching as the snake’s head is poking at my windowpane, and looking for a way to get in through the window. Suddenly, I remember that my window is still slightly open. But the snake can’t seem to find the opening in my window. So the snake stopped trying to come through the window, and it goes away.
I remembered the shadowy figured man that tried to hand me some fruit through my window just minutes ago. He was generously giving the fruit away to everybody, as they passed by his weird looking umbrella like tree. But, I didn’t get a chance to eat any of the fruit, or even taste it. Now, I had stood watching this weird looking giant snake, as it fail to find the opening in my window.

The fruit was perfect looking, small and round, a vivid green color without blemish.
The fruit had a neon glow, as it was hanging from the dark shadowy tree branches.
The snake had an unusual enormous head and big eyes.
My cat (I no longer have a cat anymore. My cat was adopted from a pet safe program several years ago) was watching the snake too.
Later, I went outdoors to go for a walk. I was holding my cat in my arms, when I was walking back home. Suddenly, the cat seemed to remember the snake, so the cat refused to be carried back home where the snake had been seen.
I took a slight detour, and tried to work my way around the outside area, and enter inside through a different entrance. (Which was really weird too, since there’s only one entrance to my actual residence).
I look for a cell phone to call and tell someone about the snake.
I immediately notice that my cat is more calm, and less nervous about being inside now, after I see the cat coming out of a closet like area, when I pull back a curtain from the entrance, or the doorway of a closet.
I make my phone call, wondering if the snake is somewhere inside.
I’m still cautious, and carefully watching my surroundings while I’m holding the phone in my hand.

God’s Promise: “…you will walk safely in your way, and your foot will not stumble. When you lie down, you will not be afraid; Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet. Do not be afraid of sudden terror, nor of trouble from the wicked when it comes; For the Lord will be your confidence, And will keep your foot from being caught.” Proverbs 3:23-26.
Heavenly Father, I come to You right now in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father, I ask You to shut any doors that need to be shut and open any doors that need to be opened in the spiritual and natural realms of my life, in Jesus Holy name. Heavenly Father, I plead the Blood of Jesus over those doorways and ask that the enemy be rendered powerless and harmless so they can not come back through those doorways ever again to my home, property, automobile, work place, business, finances, ministry, my spouse, spouse’s work place, our children, their schools, their work places, our friends and loved ones in Jesus Christ’s Holy name I pray with thanksgiving.
Lord, I will praise Your name forever and ever. You are Great, and greatly to be praised!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pray for the Unreached

"...The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few."
Matthew 9:37.